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Golden rules to stay fit & healthy: must follow

As you all know that "Health is Wealth". If you are not serious about your health then definitely you regret about this in future. So in today's post i discuss about some golden rules of health that prevent serious health problems. When we talk about to be healthy there are so many rules but out of these some are essential and should follow by everyone. 

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1. Avoid Fast Foods

If you think about it, the majority of unhealthy, highly-processed foods are found in boxes in the supermarket. Sure, the packaged stuff is delicious—but it’s also some of the worst options for your body. Instead of eating products packed with additives, preservatives, and sugar, stick to the produce section as much as you can so your food doesn’t keep weighing you down, both physically and mentally.

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It might be more appealing to follow a trendy diet or pick up the latest buzzy health book on what to eat, but the reality? The best thing you can do for your body is to eat mostly plants. It’s not a sexy answer by any means, but they’re the holy grail of health: You’ll be getting a healthy dose of protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and nutrients—and you won’t be eating empty calories in the process.

2. Daily Physical Activity

Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy. Walking, gardening, briskly pushing a baby stroller, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, or dancing the night away are all good examples of being active. For health benefits,physical activity should be moderate or vigorous intensity.
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3.Proper sleeping

People avoid sleeping to do more work but its really affect your mental health and focus. No more staying up late and only getting a handful of hours of sleep. Your time in dreamland is what resets your body for the next day—and when you don’t have a proper amount of time to rest, you’ll feel it. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a lack of sleep typically results in poor memory, feeling low energy, drowsy, and irritable, and can even change your personality.
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4. Drink 8 glass of water daily

Why is everyone always so dehydrated? Water is the most accessible liquid, yet we don’t take the time to drink it throughout the day—and according to the Cleveland Clinic, that’s only going to make you tired and low on energy. Make sure you’re filling up your water bottle all day long to keep yourself replenished and you’ll feel better than ever almost immediately. Water clean body and essential for better thinking and working of mind.

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5. Stress Free Lifestyle 

Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to life experiences. Everyone expresses stress from time to time. Anything from everyday responsibilities like work and family to serious life events such as a new diagnosis, war, or the death of a loved one can trigger stress.

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"There are a number of ways chronic stress can kill you," says Aldwin. That includes increased levels of cortisone, often referred to as the stress hormone. Elevated cortisone levels interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, and increase blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease. So goodbye stress and stay calm.

Friends if you follow only above 5 rules then you feel change in your life. Please comment your views and suggestions. 

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