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Do you really believe Health is Wealth

"You were nearer to heaven through football than through the study of The Gita" - Swami Vivekananda 

Health is wealth is very famous saying but do you really believe in it. If no then you will regret on yourself. If we are not healthy then wealth is no more meaningful for us. so always try to keep yourself healthy.

We born once and its our duty to keep our body healthy. We should always keep in mind that wealth is wealth however health is the greatest wealth in this world. We should also motivate our kids and children to know something about this common saying using such as simple and easy essay on Health is Wealth. You can make your kids aware about their health using such simply worded Health is Wealth essay.

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As we all live in very-fast, crowded and busy time period. We have to perform multiple tasks throughout the day in order to earn more money however we forget that good health is as necessary for our healthy life as air and water for the body. We forget to take proper food in timely manner, daily exercises, proper rest, etc to just earn some false wealth. We should never forget that our health is a real wealth of the life. It is true for all that Health is Wealth.
A good health reduces the stress level and promotes healthy life without any sufferings. We should always be aware of our health and go for regular health check-up. We should eat balanced food having fresh fruits, salad, green leafy vegetables, milk, egg, curd etc in timely manner in order to maintain the good health. A good health also need some daily physical activities, proper rest and sleep, cleanliness, healthy environment, fresh air and water, personal hygiene, etc. In order to reduce our rush between hospital and home, maintain a good health is better idea. Maintaining a good health is a good habit which should be practiced from childhood with the help of parents.
In earlier days, life was not so hectic. It was quite simple and free of too many challenges with healthy environment in comparison to these days. People were healthy as they had to perform all the daily routine activities by their own hand and body. But now, life in the technological world has become easy and comfortable but hectic because of the competitions. Now-a-days, easy life is not possible as everyone wants to earn more money to get better life than others. Now-a-days, living life has become costly and tough as well as unhealthy as everything like air, water, environment, food, etc has become contaminated, infected and polluted.
People have to work for at least 9 to 10 hours in the offices by just sitting on the chair without any physical movement. They come to home in the late evening or night and become too tired to perform any household work or exercise. Again in the morning they get up late from bed and do some necessary works like bath, brush, breakfast, etc and go to their office. In this way, they live their daily routine only to earn money and not their life for themselves. It is very necessary to earn money for fulfilling some basic needs however, it is also necessary to live a healthy and peaceful life which needs a good health.
Importance of health-  
I am sharing one of my friend's story so you can easily understand what is the significance of health.
One of my friend who was studying in US had an heart attack and he died in his sleep. He was just 23 as me. we both used to go to school together. when I heard about him I was shocked, My mind was how can he leave us like that, but more I was shocked about his heart attack.
The reason for his heart attack was his diet.
Actually many times our parents or grand parents tells us to eat as early as possible at night. Because nowadays after dinner we usually go to sleep , or get busy with mobile, don’t sleep immediately after dinner, at least have period of 2 hours before sleep.
That day I learned that how important our health is because after seeing his mom crying in front of his body it made me realize how important is people around us and how health is important.

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