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How to prevent injury during workout

Many people enthusiastically start a new exercise program just to get sidelined shortly after due to a fitness injury. With the right precautions and mind set this can be prevented.

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Every person that exercises fears getting that dreaded injury. Every beginner that is new to exercise has an overriding fear of getting an injury when they finally have the motivation to start a new adventure in exercise. As a coach, it is a main responsibility to make sure that everyone from a beginner to an athlete is safe from the injury that is going to take them away from their main goal. Here are some tips and suggestions on how to keep the body going without it breaking down in the end.

1. Workout under trained coach

If you don't know how to start an exercise program or progress to that next level of anaerobic/aerobic exertion safely, a personal trainer or coach is the perfect option. They can give you safety tips and progressions to either get you started or accomplish your goal without getting injured.
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2. Warm up before start

Stretching is an important prevention technique that should become habit for all athletes before starting an activity or sport. Dr. suggests a mix of both static and dynamic stretching during warm ups to help loosen the muscles and prepare them for play. Toe touches and stretches, where you hold the position for a certain amount of time, are considered static, while jumping jacks and stretches, where the body continues to move during stretching, are considered dynamic.

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3.Wear proper workout attire

If you have to think about how long ago you purchased a new pair of running shoes, then it is definitely time to head to the store. Going to a specialty store for expert advice on what shoes you should be wearing is the first step because they can gauge what shoe fits best with your arch, gait and body weight. So many injuries come from wearing worn out shoes without any support. 

4. Provide a healthy, well-balanced diet

It’s important for athletes to eat a well-balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, and to maintain a regular eating schedule. For instance, have breakfast, lunch and dinner around the same time each day. “In sports like wrestling, where extra importance is put on an athlete’s weight, parents also need to make sure their athletes are following safe eating habits,”

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5. Listen to your body with rest and recovery

Your body will give you the signals you need to know when to back off. If that knee is feeling a little achy, your soreness lasts for more than the recommended 24 to 48 hours, or you are just plain tired, then it is time to look over your exercise routine. Rest and recovery might be what your body is looking for. Make sure you take those rest days as your body is making actual gains during this time.

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