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How to live an active life

Many disease arise only due to our sedentary life style. If we change our life style then most of the disease can eliminate from our life. To live an active lifestyle is not complicated task, with few simple tips and by follow steadfast routine we can easily live a healthy life. Increasing Unawareness of healthy diets, disability to engage in appropriate physical activities due to Lack of time for physical and mental well-being, or do not have the means to cope with stress and maintain mental health is alarming to the active lifestyle.

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Three years ago there was a period in my life when eating junk was the favorite part of my day. I walked a little every day but I was an endomorph and did very little exercise to make up for eating all that burgers.

I got sick a while later and went down with a collapsed left lung and was bedridden for nearly 6 months. I needed help with simple things like walking to the dining room from my bed room and walking to the bathroom etc. The sudden realization that being able to do such things without anybody's help before was a real privilege changed me. I realized how lucky I was to have been healthy all that time despite all my unhealthy habits.

When I finally started to get back to my normal habits, I knew I wanted to change. But I had done this before too. Whenever I got hit with fitness frenzy I would try to change too much too soon and sooner than later end up with nothing but an even messier eating habit and more weight on the scale. 

Taking wisdom from my previous failed attempts I started my new fitness revolution. I didn't want a six pack or a killer ripped body. I just wanted to be a really healthy person. Recovering from a collapsed lung is hard and it particularly affects your lung capacity and stamina. I started slowly with walking. I tried to do push ups and fell on the floor by the 6th or 7th one. In about a week's time I was doing 2 or 3 sets of 15 push ups. I started to do body weight squats. I learned to do them with proper form. It was easier as I had time on my hand and did a lot of body weight squats. I kept walking every day. If I wasn't walking faster then I was walking steeper or climbing stairs. I ditched the elevator unless it was more than 4 floors. Now i am sharing my success tips to you.

5 Tips for Living a More Active Lifestyle 

1. Get up early and go for walk

Walking in the morning on a regular basis will result in multiple health benefits and it is sure to enhance not only physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. Walking in the morning creates a routine or a healthy habit that we will start to do without going through the endless mental process of questioning whether or not you “feel” like exercising.

As many of us know, one of the most effective ways to avoid heart disease is to stay physically active. While many of us think that we would have to engage in more intense exercise to fight heart disease, this is absolutely not true.

Studies show that by consistently walking in the morning at a brisk pace between three to four miles per hour, we can reduce our chances of suffering from heart disease by as much as 40%.

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2. Maximum use of stairs

While most of us think of exercise as 'sport', the scientific evidence shows it is everyday activities like walking and stair climbing that are most closely associated with improved health.

Stair climbing is recommended by doctors and health authorities worldwide because high-quality studies show:

  1. Climbing just eight flights of stairs a day lowers average early mortality risk by 33%.
  2. Seven minutes stair climbing a day can halve the risk of heart attack over 10 years.
  3. Just two minutes extra stair climbing a day is enough to stop average middle age weight gain.
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3. Play with your pets

Everything about owning a pets seems to lend itself to better heart health. Just the act of petting a dog lowers heart rate and blood pressure. A 2017 Chinese study found a link between dog ownership and reduced risk of coronary artery disease, while other studies show pet owners have slightly lower cholesterol and are more likely to survive a heart attack.

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4. Do your favorite exercise when you depressed

When you have depression or anxiety, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do. But once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference. Exercise helps prevent and improve a number of health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis. Research on depression, anxiety and exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise can also help improve mood and reduce anxiety.

The links between depression, anxiety and exercise aren't entirely clear — but working out and other forms of physical activity can definitely ease symptoms of depression or anxiety and make you feel better. Exercise may also help keep depression and anxiety from coming back once you're feeling better.

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5. Go out in Nature 

Today people live in a world that thrives on being busy, productive and over scheduled. Further, they have developed the technological means to be constantly connected to others and to vast options for information and entertainment through social media. For many, smartphones demand their attention day and night with constant notifications.

As a result, naturally occurring periods of solitude and silence that were once commonplace have been squeezed out of their lives. Music, reality TV shows, YouTube, video games, tweeting and texting are displacing quiet and solitary spaces. Silence and solitude are increasingly viewed as “dead” or “unproductive” time, and being alone makes many people uncomfortable and anxious.

Nature provides challenges that spur individuals to creative problem-solving and increased self-confidence. For example, some find that being alone in the outdoors, particularly at night, is a challenging situation. Mental, physical, and emotional challenges in moderation encourage personal growth that is manifested in an increased comfort with one’s self in the absence of others.

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I hope you will change your lifestyle and live an active life. Thank you for reading this article. Comment your suggestions and opinion about this article. 

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